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Booster Club

Welcome to the Valley Center High School Booster Club!

The Valley Center Booster Club, Inc is a parent-led 501(c)3 nonprofit organization providing support to USD 262 and Valley Center High School approved student organizations.  Our mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of VCHS students by providing encouragement, support, and funding to enhance the academic, athletic, and fine arts experiences of students.  We promote citizenship, sportsmanship, and community involvement.  

The Valley Center Booster Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Valley Center High School Commons Area.

During the 2022-2023 school year VC Booster Club contributed almost $35,000 to 43 different groups at VCHS, including classes, teachers, athletics and activities.

The money is used by the various groups for opportunities of their choice (trips, group parties, uniforms, etc.).  VC Booster Club also awards two $500 leadership scholarships and two $250 scholarships to the most inspirational male and female athlete each year. 

Athletic and academic groups are able to earn money by working concession stands and other fundraising activities coordinated by the VC Booster Club. 

VC Booster Club volunteers produce a fall/winter/spring athletics/activities program.   We also coordinate back-to-school luncheons, evening conference dinners, and teacher appreciation snacks.

Booster Club would not be able to support the high school students without its parents and other amazing volunteers. We welcome new ideas on ways to help our students enhance their high school experiences.

Become a member and receive a variety of goodies depending on the level of sponsorship.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get meeting reminders:       Valley Center Booster Club      @VCBoosterClub


Booster Club Officers

President: Sasha Randolph

Vice President: Kayla Carroll

Secretary: Megan Dennis

Treasurer: Kelli Chobad

Merch Mgr: Scott Randolph

Concession Mgr: Brian Carroll

Committee Chair: Cassie Chance